Annie Fox - Cruel's Not Cool!
Cruel's Not Cool

Why are kids mean to each other? Usually they’re trying to get back at someone who hurt them. Or they’re trying to embarrass someone they don’t like even if that person hasn’t done anything.

Maybe bullies think that targeting others can save you from being targeted. Or that being first in line to start a rumor, make a rude comment, or threaten someone makes you cooler.

Anyone who believes that is wrong.

Cruel's Not Cool. No way. Not ever.Cruel's Not Cool

Cruel’s Not Cool! an anti-bullying campaign to engage students, teachers, administrators and parents in a community-wide exploration of our culture of cruelty, why cruel’s not cool, and what each of us can do, moment-by-moment to take back our schools by making them safer, more accepting places for all students all the time.


From Terra’s Inbox: Q&A About Bullying

From a Parent:

“My child is being teased!”

Dear Annie,

My son is a first grader. He was born with a small mole on his chin. Kids on the bus tease him constantly about it and say ugly things to him. I know children can be cruel and I know that unfortunately teasing is a part of life, but it is starting to make him extremely self conscious to the point of him not wanting to go to school. He's also starting to become insecure about himself. I was teased badly as a child myself and my parents did nothing. I want to give him effective advice so he can stick up for himself, but I'm not quite sure what to say!


Helpless Mom


From a Teen:

“My cousin hates school because the other girls don't include her.”

Hey Terra,

My cousin is in the 8th grade. She has been placed in a class for gifted children because she is exceptionally smart in math. The class only has a few girls. When she was younger, she seemed to get along okay with them. But sometimes she'd be invited to slumber parties, she'd come home early because she said some of the girls would hurt her feelings.

She hardly ever goes anywhere unless it is with her mom or aunts. Her mom was unemployed for a couple of years and needless to say, she couldn't afford to buy a lot for her to help her fit in... like name brand clothes, cell phones, four wheelers, etc. Now my cousin hates school because she says that the other girls all hang together and don't include her. For example, every girl in the class was invited to this party, but my cousin was the only girl in the class not asked to stay the night.

What should she do?

Concerned Cuz

Read Annie’s Answer » Read Terra’s Answer »

More letters about bullying from teens »

More letters about bullying from parents »


Additional Resources:


Contact Annie Fox for information on her Cruel's Not Cool! Workshops:

If you’re a teen and you need some help, click here.

If you’re a parent and you need some help, click here.

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